Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings


Hello, Sunday.

Hello, November!

I can’t even believe we are staring down the holidays right now, but here we are with shorter days, and colored trees. What are you looking forward to this season?

Since it’s a new month, and that brings with it all sorts of new things, let’s catch up on what’s keeping me young and alive and excited. Share yours below!

making: big plans for 2019!

eating: spicy, delicious curries in contrast to pumpkin spice everything

drinking: All the tea, milk and sugar please

wanting: time to slow down a bit!

looking: through all the holiday food magazines for inspo

enjoying: lazy weekends, crisp days and sweatpants

crushing: on Steven from the GBBS

wondering: how to marry an Englishman (JOKING. Sorta.)

needing: a massage, because this back…

hoping: the weather is good for my trip to Providence next weekend!

smelling: the aforementioned curries

wearing: my new Harry Potter socks. And pajamas #targetstyle

watching: The GBBS. And waiting for more episodes!

listening: to Buble

feeling: happy.

Have a great week. What’s up with you right now?