Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

This weekend was a good one. Meatball came to visit, and we indulged in all the fall things: apples, cider, donuts, beer and cheese (none are particularly fall-exclusive).  It ended with clean sheets, laundry done, hot chocolate and cozy pajamas.  Life is good.

It’s these little pleasures that remind us that there is more to life than the hate and turmoil that have become so commonplace in every day. We have to find the good things- it’s the only way that we’re going to make it. That, and aforementioned hot chocolate.

Otherwise, we have these things:

The 12-minute lunch break…for children. Sure, I can scarf down my lunch in 12 minutes, but if I do, it’s often by choice. Also, I’m 37.

Modern medicine may mean that most of us will live longer, but survival of the fittest still holds true.

Oh, Banksy.

In praise of mediocrity:  Lost here is the gentle pursuit of a modest competence, the doing of something just because you enjoy it, not because you are good at it.  This blog is an exercise in mediocrity. Not because I think it’s bad, but I know that it could be better if I really put the time into it.  But you know, it’s a hobby., something to do outside of my 9-5, and it brings me great joy. If I had to spend another 8 hours ever night trying to make it perfect, I guarantee it would no longer be in existence. 

Why reading books, not digital media, is still so important.

The last woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics did that work unpaid. Who’s surprised?

Top food experiences worth traveling for. Challenge, accepted.

Got pumpkin? Here are a few ideas.

Might I suggest maybe whipping up some banana bread this weekend? Might I also suggest you add chocolate shavings?

Finally, I’ve been doing this silly thing on Instagram stories called #cookinginpajamas, so check it out if you’re on the ‘gram. Not every day, but enough.  Also, what are your favorite pajamas?

Have a great week!