Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday!

It’s been a bit cold and rainy here, but the oven is keeping us warm and toasty inside. Working on some German inspired Thanksgiving recipes for ya, so I’ll start sharing those this week after a pit stop at Halloween.  And for that, sharing a favorite.

Otherwise, I am feeling the laziness and embracing it since November is looking to be pretty, but I take solace in knowing that I’m ending it in the Kingdom of Magic. Just a month to go .  Until then, there’s only so much I can do with myself when it’s dark for so much of the day.  Activities include reading and TV, still plugging away at the Great British Baking Show.  How’s fall treating you?

Forget fall, how did this week treat you?  I hope it involved something pumpkin and cozy socks. Because that’s what we need right now, ya know?

Actually we also really, really needed this. Thank you to the Blackpool Police and David Schwimmer, who hands down, won the internet this week.

Want to live in Italy? This town is giving away houses with a dollar, with a catch (but honestly, not that big of one).

Because, why not? Learn to set a table properly.

Law school would have been magical if I could have taken this…

Did you know that I was a football manager in college? True story. Imagine this is me, 17 years ago.

Love Ina. Who doesn’t?

The migrant caravan, explained.

Paws4Patients is a program at my work that provides animal therapy for patients. These cute shirts help support that cause. How cute are they? #notsponsored

My teen years were spent in radical right-wing groups. The paranoia was intoxicating. Fascinating.

and for Halloween, why ghosts say ‘boo.‘ Who knew?

Have a great week!





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