As I’ve mentioned a few times that I’ve become slightly obsessed with the Great British Baking Show (quite behind the times, as it were). I can’t remember at this point who made it or what season it was, but someone made a nut filled honeycomb and immediately, the lightbulb went off and I thought the perfect Halloween treat to make for ya’ll was chocolate covered almond honeycomb candy. So easy, so quick, and so perfect for any spooky shindig, whether you’re celebrating at home or away.
When digging through the archives, come to find out I’ve already made…two chocolate covered honeycomb things. Clearly, a bright idea that I’d had before. First, the hokey pokey from New Zealand and second, a recreation of my favorite Cadbury treat, the crunchie rock.
Lighting strikes multiple times in my house, it seems.
No matter, these almonds made for a great variation and like both of the other two recipes, it comes together pretty quickly, and disappears almost as fast. I think this batch lasted not two days.
In case you were wondering, this is very much different from a regular brittle, which you’ve seen more than once. A bit of magic all its own.
One note: the chocolate. I simply melted chocolate chips because it as the easy way to go. If you are a better person than I, temper the chocolate to give it a nice shine. If you do, my hat’s off to you.
Chocolate Covered Almond Honeycomb Candy
Homemade chocolate covered almond honeycomb candy is an easy, quick and delicious candy to make- and will satisfy all tricks or treats.

- 1 cup slivered raw almonds
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 4 TB light corn syrup
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 8 ounces dark chocolate, melted
- Step 1 First, in a dry skilled over medium heat, toast the almonds until fragrant and slightly brown. Spread them on a parchment or silicone lined sheet pan.
- Step 2 Second, put the sugar and syrup into a saucepan and stir together to mix. Once the pan’s on the heat, stop stirring! Place the pan on the heat and let the mixture first melt and then turn to goo and then a bubbling mass the color of maple syrup – this will take 3 minutes or so.
- Step 3 Take it off the heat, whisk in the baking soda and watch the syrup turn into a whooshing cloud of aerated pale gold. Pour this over the toasted almonds immediately. I found to spread it, tilt the pan rather than spreading with a spatula.
- Step 4 One the sugar cools into a hard mass, smash into bits with the pack of a knife or rolling pin. Dip each shard into the melted chocolate and let cool on a parchment lined sheet.
- Step 5 Store in an airtight container, for as long as it lasts.