Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

It’s been a busy weekend on my end, with the first (and hopefully not last) day on the lake, dinners with friends and out of town guests to keep me occupied and my soul fed (not to mention my belly).  My birthday and the cakes that came with it have come and gone (though I have one more ice cream celebration today, though ice cream and summer should be constantly celebrated) and life has resumed as it does after a quick mental respite. Something we all need in these dark and heavy times.

Words to share are below.  Enjoy your week!

The Mississippi raids: a perspective.

Are you allergic to cats but so in love with all of my pictures of Crawley? Good news is on the horizon (but no, you can’t have Crawley).

“In endlessly dragging debates over the media, the stupid opinion is treated with the same respect as the intelligent one, the misinformed may talk as long as the informed, and propaganda rides along with education, truth with falsehood.” This form of “free speech,” ironically, supports the tyranny of the majority.  Let’s not give ignorance an audience– it’s had one for quite too long.

The politics of polite.

Is happiness a choice? A philosopher’s view.

How to: avoid tourist traps.

Dogfishing is a thing, apparently.

There’s more than just organ donation on drivers’ licenses these days. This is our new normal?

How’s your gut? Turns out it really matters.

Need help with all that eggplant in your garden?  See here: best eggplant recipes!

Who’s ready to just bail?













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