Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

I hope you’re all sitting pretty doing exactly what you want this long weekend. I’ve been digging into closet and pantries to organize in the way that one usually only does in the spring, or at the start of the new year. Since I’m not on some grand adventure this Labor Day as I tend to be, I’m using it the best I can and, to be honest, I was thrilled to do it and content in my own way.  I hope you find the same contentment yourself as we start this short week.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Dorian’s path. While I’ve long since relocated from hurricane territory after spending half of my life in any given storm’s path, I remember all too well my experience hunkered down in our hallway during Hurricane Andrew in 1992, and therefore watch every hurricane with more than the mild disinterest that many who have spent their lives in the middle of the country likely do.  If you can leave, please do leave.

Last weekend I was galavanting through Ontario to visit and old friend and meet a new one, and so a few of these articles might be old news by now, but I wanted to share them nonetheless because at the time they caught my eye.  Wishing you well as we kick off September!

Pinterest vs. misinformation and the anti-vaccers.  One social media giant taking a stand.

When a crime is committed in space, what happens? Yes, this question is relevant, sadly. We can’t even keep our morals in check in outer space.

Why are we crowdfunding medical expenses? Because something just ain’t right.

THIS is sportsmanship.

So is this and a lesson in class. God, I love tennis.  Excited for the future of the sport.

Bitches, we’re 35.

88 life truths.

Never underestimate an animal’s intelligence.  Also…hi, evolution.

A little dated, but a worthy read: how workism is killing America

I’m quite excited for this movie.

THIS is why Disney is special.

We’ve all got baggage.  One teacher is using it to her advantage.

I’ll be working my way through this list– you’ll be seeing a few of them in the next few weeks!

That’s it! Have a great week!














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