Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

It’s been a pretty good weekend in these parts. A day downtown and the theatre with Mom. Cooking up goodies the rest of the weekend along with reading, tennis and more reading. Just as I like it.

I hope your weekend was filled just as you like it.  That goes for your week, too!

Here’s what I’ve seeing these days:

Best back to school pic EVA.

Some guys have all the fun.

One town is doing what the rest of the world can’t seem to do.

This dude’s reflexes are catlike.

Why you should have two careers. I do, but one (this one you’re reading) ain’t paying any bills!

Heroes come in all forms. To help out, see here.

Mad About You is still my fantasy about what married life would be like.

Women’s aren’t in as many clinical trials as men. And here’s why that’s a problem.

This is my #1 go-to travel company. For a good reason.  #notsponsoredjustafan

Sugar, sugar. Not such a sweet history.

That’s all folks. Do it well this week.