Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

The week sort of flew by on this end. Did it for you?  Not only that, we found ourselves with a weekend that didn’t leave us trapped in the house, staring at all the chores that needed doing, staring outside at the weather than just wouldn’t quit. A bit of rain I can handle- the ice and snow, that’s the issue.

I find myself back in the groove a bit with these pages, more recipes to share, more food events to get excited about.  The Super Bowl is next week, and I’ve got a few snacky snacks to give your party some wow. Because, it is mostly about the food, yah?

Anyway, on with it here:

Um, this is a weird way to pay tribute to a bad-ass female detective. Not, not weird, offensive and stupid.

Last week I linked to an article asking if you’d buy a house with your besties. What about have a baby? My answer to both of these is no. No, thanks.

Can you cook better in an expensive apron? Anyone want to buy me one so we can test this theory?

When I worked in a restaurant (grad through law school), I never fit in with the after hours party hard culture that it breeds. A running group? I could have gotten on board with that.

Yesterday, ICYMI, was Chinese New Year. This is how Gen Z is preserving its important traditions.

For the tennis fans: see Serena and Coco bust a move.

Can I work here?

I love hosting so much (though Crawley hates it), should I do this? The Dinner Party resolution.

Hey ICYMI, I made this cake and damn, it was good. You should make it, too.

Or maybe we should make this old-school chocolate mousse? Could it be any easier? 

That’s it! Have a great week!








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