Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Lucky are you that have today off! I’m at the office, working the grind, wishing I wasn’t. Such is life.

Surgery recovery is going well, and I’m getting my steps in. We survived the weekend weather, and even have a cake to show for it (more on that later this week). How are you? Are you okay? We’re well into the new year and into winter and this is when the blues tend to set in. I hear ya, and I’m with ya.  Dreaming of sunny vacations to come.  I’ve got some, and I’m wishing some for you, too.

Despite being holed up for most of the weekend, it got away from me.  As it does sometimes. I know you know.

The news, the news. Oh, what a world, what a world (lamenting in the Wicked Witch of the West voice).  Here’s what I got. I hope some of it makes you smile.

Trailblazing. Why plus size dancers shouldn’t be a speciality act.  

Being in the blog world, I know a handful of people that have gone out on their own. Writers, too.  While I love the idea of it, I don’t think I could ever do it myself because I need stability and security and also, I am not brave enough. Freelancing vs. full time jobbing.  Pros and cons.

For me, maybe for you. The meat lovers’ guide to eating less meat.

How to buy a house with friends. Hmm. Would you do it?

We’re in it: the decade the internet lost its joy. Or I should say, we just left it.

My friend and I were talking about this just yesterday after seeing Little Women, and how it seems the fires we both had when we were Jo’s age seem to flare and extinguish. I told her it’s never too late to start something new. Here’s my proof.  Middle-aged people success stories.

What if you are a f$*&%ing bitch?

Talk about upcycling. Let’s do more!

Australia: heroes come in all shapes and sizes.


I found myself watching Two Popes on Netflix and throughly enjoying the fictional what-if if Popes Benedict and Frances had a pow-wow.  In light of that, and Pope Francis in general, this does not surprise me.

Punky Brewster reboot! Here for it.

Need evidence the press was ridiculously biased against Meghan versus Kate? The proof is in the headlines.

Doctor says: Go out with your girls! God, I miss my girls.

The unbearable whiteness of tourism. A must read.

That’s it! Have a great week!















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2 thoughts on “Monday Musings”

  • Mondays are hard! Glad that today was a day off for me, we did a trip around the city, visited MLK museum and have learned quite a lot. Overall pretty great! Year start was rough but still manageable, we’ll get there step-by-step. I’m happy that you’re doing well, wish you the quickest and as seamless recovery from surgery as it could possibly be. And also no, I’d never buy a house with friends. Not that I don’t trust them or love them enough to live together but life is unpredictable and anything can happen. And buying a house is a huge commitment alone, doing so with friends is a whole another story.

    • Lucky that you had the day off, and I’m glad you made the most of it. I love my friends, too, but don’t think I could do it. We’d have a very hard time deciding how to decorate! I’ll stick to traveling with them 🙂

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