Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

How are ya’ll?  It’s warm-ish and dreary turned cold and icy here, and as such I’ve tucked into the weekend with three library books, a chocolate cake, pizza from the freezer and some healthy fruit and vegetable options to keep it all balanced.

It’s been a week on my end and…I’ve been holding out on you and I’m sharing a not-so-secret-anymore bit of news. Nine days ago I did something I’ve wanted to to do for years- I had breast reduction surgery. I know that you, dear friends, don’t ‘see’ me on the regular, but anyone who knows me IRL knows that my disproportionality has always been a big deal for me. Long story short- I was floating along just fine and then about 6 years ago I took a drug in order to help with my PCOS with the unfortunate side effect of something that I’d dubbed my ‘boob explosion.” I went up 3 sizes in 4 months with no return, and was left with loads of discomfort and a closet full of lovely dresses that zipped up only halfway. Well, I did something about it and, in with just over a week into recovery, couldn’t be happier. And since I always knew I’d do this eventually, have a whole new-old wardrobe!

Sorry, gents for the TMI nature of this revelation, but I mention it because in talking to people about it, friends and work colleagues (those that knew already because I have yet to have someone flat out ask me if I had work done yet, just a few, “wait, why does she look different? glances so far!), I find that many well-endowed ladies are curious about it, have thought about it more than once and just didn’t really know anything about it! If that’s you, I’m here to answer all of your questions. Recovery is going well, and in order to keep my feet moving during my six weeks of recovering, I’ve taken up mall-walking (which, is such a THING, did you know??). I’m happy to discuss this new-to-me-phenomenon as well. 

As for the news, as a royal-lover, I was blown away by the Sussex news. I will say, good for them, but I also wonder if this just will lead to more lack of privacy than before. I feel like if they had waited it out until George got older, their novelty would have faded anyway. I mean, who ever hears of Prince Edward??

On to other things:

Anyone that knows me knows that a french fry buffet would be my last meal on earth since french fries are one of my top two foods ever, the other being ice cream. I’ve been hatching this idea forever. 2020 is catching up.

We should all be following the National Park Service on Instagram.

Best proposal EVER.

Plastics in the roads? Sure, they seem to be more indestructible than the s&*t asphalt we currently use, right?

A look back to another time, riding the rail in the Amtrak dining car. Does it have to be though?

Do you talk too much?  Asking for a friend. 

I know that we’re all equally heartbroken by what’s happening in Australia.  There are many avenues to donate to help, here’s another.

If you have old or gently used children’s books, send them here.

That’s it! Have a great week!


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