Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

How are we doing? Another week in the books? I’ll shamefully confess that I don’t hate quarantine all that much. Maybe I’ve adapted. I love working from home. I love being able to work out any time of the day I wish and that I’ve really made diet and exercise a priority over the past few months. I love only showering once a day. I love having my kitchen easily accessible at all times. I love my afternoon tea ritual that I never could get quite right while at work. I love working on the porch, weather permitting. I love wearing cozy clothes and I love that extra bit of sleep I get in the morning. I 95% love being home with Crawley all day (dear, he is needy).  

I don’t love that I don’t get to see my friends, but I do love that we’ve somehow made it work despite the social distancing obstacles. I don’t love that my travel for this year has been poo poo-ed but I love that it means I’ll have more vacation time and money to spend next year when the world opens again, and aren’t we just dreaming all the big dreams about the places we’ll go.  I don’t love that I sometimes get lonely, or that my friends do, or that we are all suffering in our own way, whether it’s a little or a lot. I don’t love that people’s lives are being destroyed and that our cities and towns’ Main Streets won’t all survive.  

I do love how the little things have been so important, when we no doubt used to regularly overlook them.

I’m saying all of this because there is always a silver lining if you look for it. Sometimes, you don’t even have to look that hard.

Here are some readings that I found this week.  I hope they bring you a little bit of whatever you need.

Related to my musings above: Quarantine Fatigue is real.

Interesting thought: What post-COVID habits will you keep?

As suspected the arrogance and inaccuracy of “first world” and “third world” monikers.

Case and point. Christ.

I’m glad I’m not the only one: why it’s so darn hard to read a book right now.

Is Matt Damon the luckiest one in this pandemic?

Didn’t we learn this from watching Bambi when we were five? If you can’t say something nice…

IKEA shares how to build furniture forts, and where was this 30 years ago?

Are YOU cruising this summer? Hard pass.

Hot sugar! Noted and trying.

Proud to be part of this little project! #BeTogether

ICYMI: Alexander Hamilton. July 3rd.

And to make you smile, Let it Go.

Have a great week!






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