Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. 

This week sort of dragged but then also sort of flew by? I think that’s where I am most days, wishing that these days that we are in were over, but then realizing I sort of blinked and somehow we’re in August. MID-August. Geesh.

What have I done with my time?

Watched: The Spy Who Dumped Me

Reading: Where the Crawdad Sings (finally)

Ate: Many salads and ice cream, daily

We tried going peach picking but despite a website to the contrary, they were not ripe for picking when we showed up. Blueberries were, apparently but when we got to the fields we found they were not ripe for the picking. So we drank so peach wine and called it a win. I did buy some peaches though, so I might adapt this for them.

I’m spending this birthday week doing pretty much in the same vein, with a few extra instances of take out and ice cream than a normal week will include.  And that all sounds dandy to me.

As for the week’s reading, here is what caught my eye:

How to feel better when you don’t know what’s wrong. Gosh, do we all need this right now?

Wearing a mask is biblical.

In appreciation of Phil Collins.

I cant’ wait to figure out how to watch this! A Most Beautiful Thing.

Travel in the time of coronavirus, a checklist.

Reminder to self: Travel is a mindset, even when stuck at home.

But where would I even go? Oh, wait…

Interesting read for all of you Disney fans out there: Should WDW be open?

This is me: the 8 stages of trying to eat everything in my CSA.

The new timeline of dating.

And finally, do you have a secret family recipe? Most of my faves are here for your pleasure, but there are a few that Mom wont’ let me post (but if you meet me in person and ask for it, I may then happily pass it along!).

Have a good week!










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