Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Well, we’re officially over summer. How can that be, for real?? How did you do? Did you summer it up and so ready for fall? Or trying to squeeze every last second of sun and sunshine in before you face the music that the leaves are changing and pumpkins are everywhere?

I did a pretty good job this summer because while the pandemic made some things a little harder, I don’t typically travel this time of the year anyway. Trips weren’t cancelled and June-August plans didn’t change that much. I played a bunch of tennis, got some good hiking in, ate lots of delicious ice cream, spent weekends on the lake and weeknights enjoying my air conditioner. Where it hurts is looking at my fall calendar and seeing nothing on it. And with that, my risk/reward assessment of a mini-break might be leaning more towards the reward end despite the challenges it may present.

Who’s with me?

Anyway, I hope you get to enjoy this weekend, day off Monday or not. I spent mine catching up with friends, had my first apple cider and did a nice deep clean of my coat closet, setting it up for the days ahead. Not too shabby at all.

Here’s what I got for your easy Sunday morning reading:

Wow, P&G. What a great job.

Interesting: the banh mi, a history.

Listen to Spain, people.

How quarantine has changed us – for the better. I’m digging 4, 7 & 8 for sure, with my way also working towards #1. What about you?

Mulan- a history. On my to-watch.

It all comes down to poop. How checking the sewers has become an early warning system for COVID. Well, when we can’t get other tests done fast enough…

Food = happiness, and here’s what we should all be eating.

Trust your gut, especially out on the road.

As we say goodbye to summer, here’s to keeping some of it alive year round. Freezer jam!

Secrets to a fairly fulfilled life.

And for all those apples you picked this weekend, and will pick next:  breakfast, dinner, dessert, snack.

Have a great week and enjoy your tomorrow!