Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

It was a pretty busy weekend here, getting the last of the outdoor fun in before we’re caged inside for the winter. We had a blip of the 80s so while it wasn’t ideal for apple picking, but we went anyway, and explored a bit of downtown Detroit while we were at it.  At least gave us a reason to not be in the house.

I hope you are doing okay. I’m okay. I have to believe we will all, somehow, be okay.  Positive thoughts?

On to internet things:

Did anyone else just love Father of the Bride back in the 90s? I was admittedly obsessed, so when this Father of the Bride, part 3 surfaced it made me smile and sort of tear up a bit. It’s a little cheesy but just what it feels like we need these days.

Related: May every woman find her Marty Ginsburg. Or, her Brian McKenzie.

A history lesson: The Bengal famine.

The building designers ask: how to make a healthier indoors.

Hold Still, 2020. The final 100 portraits [of life, for real, in 2020].

I’ll admit that while I wouldn’t say that I’m hot, I am probably in the best shape I’ve been in for a while. I mean, I literally have nothing else to do but work out so…why not? (Also, thanks Peloton). Pandemic hotness is a thing, and I’m guilty of it. 

Dreaming of travel like I am?  Watch a movie. First up, Italy.

Oh, Sam Jackson, you are just

Pumpkin cake, it’s time.

That’s it. Have a good week!