Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

It seems like we are so close, but still SO far from getting back some semblance of normal. We are counting down in days, not weeks, until at least the official, if not final end to the election season which has seemed to go on for the past six years. Living in a battleground state, I’m ready to start seeing ads for Foldgers and life insurance again rather than the garbage that has been filling my airwaves. Still though, our COVID numbers are on the rise again and there’s no end in sight to that, so I took the opportunity to restock the pantry with the staples we need, or at least think we need (says the 4 cans of sweetened condensed milk in mine….what?). I’m bracing myself for what the astrologers all say is going to be two more months of WTF, as if we haven’t had enough of that already this year (also, yes, I’m citing astrologers and yes, you can judge me for it).

Anyway cutting through some of this unpleasantness for happier things, here’s what I’ve got for your break in the clouds this week.

First, HOLD UP. Did we all stare at our TVs in shock and disbelief as the best supposed bakers in Britain all failed to make an adequate brownie recipe last week on the GBBO? I mean, really guys. It’s not that deep. I will stake my reputation to dispute Paul Hollywood’s claim that a brownie needs to be fudgey to be a brownie. My family’s recipe for these perfect brownies are more of the crumbly sort, but would have surely brought me home the Star Baker title nonetheless.  Also related: double chocolate babka. Make it, you’re welcome.

Animaniacs reboot! YAAAS.

What if friendship, not marriage was the center of life? I have enough single gal pals that some of us are already talking about living the Golden Girls’ life. 

Science: Genes that sway the course of the COVID.

Because this never gets old, and the reviews keep getting better. The Haribo sugar-free gummies.  Bring on the cry-laughs.

Do you all follow Abigail Disney on Twitter? She’s a boss, and here are some words. Dignity is a worker’s right.

All hail, Queen Saga?  This sounds like tale out of Merlin’s book.

What words hit Webster’s the year you were born? I don’t know about you, poindexter, but I sure got sticker shock when I got the bill for my high definition French manicure.

Noted for some hopefully not too distant future trip.

The pandemic, cooking through it.

And finally, 12 tips in case you’re flying during the pandemic.







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