Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.


Dear God, finally.

Not that November really carries with it any true milestones, but it means that we’re kinda-sorta almost going to be over the election (or at least the ads) and are finally in a position to really count down to the holidays and the blessed end to 2020. I know that we’re all not sure what the hell 2021 is going to bring, but can it be worse than the last 10 months? CAN IT? 

The news has just been too much this week (ending on the sad note of Sir Sean), so we’re doing our fun little ‘what’s going on with me?” post. Tell me, what’s going on with you?

wishing: for a particular outcome on Tuesday

hoping: that kindness makes a comeback

thinking: that i need to make this apple cider loaf cake

praying: for you, me and all of our collective family and friends to remain healthy

planning: holiday eats, because your girl is hosting christmas eve. just because there are only three of us doesn’t mean i won’t be making enough food for 10…i am my mother’s daughter

dreaming: in living color. real life has been permeating my dreams and…i don’t like it. give me back my jumanji adventures

reading: just started mr. malcom’s list, because don’t I just love a period piece

watching: so many things coming up! the crown, and this zack attack. and oh, those Netflix holiday movies

wearing: jeans. yup, I said it. i wore jeans, real jeans, no less than three days this week because i just needed to get out of these sweats (but i do still love my sweats)

listening: to my daily spotify. NOT Christmas music…yet.

going: to on a road trip! smoky mountains, here i come.

eating: soups, stews and sticky toffee pudding and banoffee sundaes.

doing: the best that i can

Mercury is almost out of retrograde, so let’s have a good rest of the month, k?



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