Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Hello from the Smoky Mountains of Maryland!

My girls and I escaped our respective cities for a mini-break, in a cabin, surrounded by nothing but trees and ourselves. I’ll share the details later this week, but suffice it to say it was just what the doctor ordered. I hope you have a chance yourself to find some time and just breathe, even if from the comfort of your own home.

I found some readings for you, so enjoy!

Our dear Alex Trebek left lost his battle last week but…who’s going to replace him? Here’s an idea…not a bad one!

Need to brighten up your space as the sun disappears for the winter?  It’s easier than you think!

Girl power amazingness. Great job, Emily!

To be a professional meme-r…is actually a real thing.

The pandemic drags on and on, and here’s how to not feel completely helpless about it.

I’ve given up a bit on America – it’s been so easy to do the last handful of years. But perhaps I shouldn’t, just yet.

Dare we even hope to hope??

I love a feel-good holiday advertisement. Especially a Disney one.

Since we can’t travel, best just to read about it.  The best travel books of all time.

Easy Thanksgiving recipes? Here you go.

I don’t even love tarts, but I’d break my stalemate on the subject for that.

That’s all I’ve got- have a great week!







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