Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

What a week, what a week. Having Monday off was a joy, but then it seemed like all the rest of my to-dos were crammed into the remaining four days, muddied my inauguration, and by Friday I still felt behind. Oh well, I guess we’ve all got all the time in the world to get caught up, right?

I’ve hit the pandemic wall and I oscillate between being okay with the light, however faint, that we’re seeing at the end of this tunnel and full on despair of the monotony of everyday.  

My Jordan trip that I had rescheduled from last year for this March was officially cancelled, and that probably added to it. However, because of that, I decided to step back into the original intent of the blog and rather than cooking the world as a whole again, I’m cooking all the countries I’ve visited, airports only not-included.  I’ve been to twenty-seven countries, so this should keep me occupied for a while.  It means that my cooking juju is back and I’m excited to travel, albeit virtually through my kitchen. My goal this go-round is to try and pick less obvious, more obscure, perhaps micro-regional dishes for some of these places, in part because after 8 years and 600+ recipes, I’ve likely made all the obvious ones!

I’m doing this task in no particular order, and really going on what sounds good for that week. I did consciously decide to start with Canada since it actually was the first other country I’d ever visited, likely in the first few weeks of my life since my grandparents lived right across the river that separates Buffalo and Fort Erie, Ontario.  So, to Canada we go!

As I mentioned, this week got away from me, but I was able squirrel away a few gems. See below for your coffee companions:

 The seditionists and everyone else…a picture of coexistence.

Perhaps more likely now that many of us are working remotely:  find the place you love…and move there.

Oh, NOLA and Mardi Gras. ‘Rona ain’t stopping you.

The pandemic and the global economy.  Not surprising.

The Cookie Monster is real!

Do I need to make this Almond Joy cake? Yes or yes.

Anyone out there know a single, younger version of Doug Emhoff? Hit me up. Swoon.

I was ALWAYS a coffee shop studier: college, grad school, law school…and I love working from one. Here’s why!

That’s all I’ve got for you today. Have a good week!






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