Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

As the weeks go on, I feel like I have less to say. Nothing new is happening in my daily, but the world keeps turning as we see with longer days and warmer (slightly!) temps and winter is most definitely melting into spring, slowly but surely.

My friends are getting vaccinated and packing their bags for destinations…anywhere but their couches…and I can’t wait to be among the throngs of those safely taking to the friendly skies. And after almost a year, they sure are looking very friendly. Soon and very soon, I hope!

I took a day off on Friday because I just haven’t and I’m pretty sure it’s longest I’ve been without a day off since I started working! I used it to repaint my bathroom for a little home refresh that was sorely needed, but MAN was I tired yesterday. Painting is hard work, even for a little bathroom.

And finally, yesterday my little family of three celebrated my mom’s 70th birthday.  It was not what we had planned (we were supposed to be at Disney) and the 40/70 trip Mom and I had planned for 2021 will likely end up being a 41/71 next year when the world can properly open back up for us. Funny, because our 30/60 trip ended up actually being a 32/62 trip when my dad died and our lives all got shaken up a bit.  Another example of how when we plan, God laughs.

I hope you’re having a good Sunday as we prepare for March to roll in tomorrow. Like a lion, they say? I guess we shall see!

Did you know Atlanta has a forest? It does! Can we have more?

I took a three hour nap yesterday and I have no regrets. An Ode to Naps.

Another feel good about neighbors being neighbors.

With the introduction of another vaccine, are we really at the beginning of the end? Can we at least hope it?

A $25 cake mix? Lord have mercy.

Activism and the food system.

Controversial, to some. I think cucumbers are the most boring food. So boring. I would cook them for sure. Grilled, their boredom is released.

I’m going trust Deb and her perfect margarita. Adding it to my to-make list.

Adding to my to-go list. South Korean (it was there anyway, but now even more!).

And finally a reminder of a damn fine weekend breakfast.











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