Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Gosh, we lost an hour yesterday but I feel like I’ve been playing catching up with everything the last week. Probably not, but at least that’s how it has felt.

The biggest news from my part of the Mitten is that I bought a house! Well, the idea of a house. I mean, what will one day be a tangible house. Or townhouse. But for now it’s a plot of land, and anyone who has ever embarked on the “new build” type of real estate knows what I mean when I say it’s exciting and scary at the same time. The decision happened a week and a bit ago, and last weekend I was all making sure all my ducks were as lined up as they could be at this point in the process.  The last week was just me tossing and turning trying to figure out how I, a planner to the nth degree, could plan around the uncertain move-in date of “October-December,” timing this vague time frame with the selling of my current place, moving, vacations that had been rebooked for that exact time frame, the holidays that also happen to fall around then and then, hey, what design elements to add to the place that won’t break the bank.  Unsettling, all, to say the least. But yesterday I finally had fun with it, and Mom and I spent a few hours wandering the aisles of Lowe’s to get ideas, and for the first time since I signed on the dotted line, I was starting to get really excited.  I just need to remember my motto, slightly stolen from Shakespeare in Love- it’ll work out. How will it? It’s a mystery! But it will. It always does.

Also, remember how my word for 2021 was SURPRISE? Well, hot damn. 

All that being said, with work also keeping hold on me a bit more this week, I have spent little time giving my kitchen and cooking habits and this blog the attention it deserves, but I’m ready and back with my head in the game. Until I start the process to sell my condo which…who knows when that will be. But for now, we cook and eat and be happy about the warming weather and sunshine.

How are you? I hope you’re feeling the good spring vibes, too.  Brighter days are coming in more ways than one!

Here are this week’s reads:

This was interesting! Women were the original brewmasters- until they were accused of being witches. Ugh. Typical.

The Last Good Day.  It’s something that’s been floating around channels the last week since it was this week last year that life was normal – until suddenly it wasn’t.  What was yours? Mine was my friend Lauren’s birthday party. What was weird about this – and what we all talk about – was how no one at that party, as far as we know, got sick when 80% of the guests had in some way or another just gotten off an airplane at some point in the week before. I had just come back from Florida. Another couple was in Rio for Carnivale (!). Another couple China, and Mexico one more.  We were like the perfect petri dish of possible COVID and we all ended up somehow unscathed. We laugh now at the miracle of it all.

In a YES ma’am world, how to give a good NO.

A year without touch. Singletons until. I mean, it me.

This headline made me tear up because I feel like this is ALL OF US.

A year in the life of a traveling nurse.  Nurses are superheroes, ICYDK.

Are you overspending your “fair share” carbon emissions?

For fun: do farts spread disease?

I made this and it’s excellent- my take on it coming soon!

Also, Happy St. Paddy’s to you!

Have a great week, all!

Also, Happy 40th Birthday to Apple Crisp! 🙂








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