Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

You know, I took Monday and Tuesday this week off, and the rest of the week felt like the longest week! Don’t you just hate it when that happens? Anyway, I took yesterday to not do the post-vacation, adult to-do list things that must be done today, but rather to enjoy time with family and friends in a way that I haven’t done since last summer. I’m pretty sure I haven’t laughed that hard since then, and I can’t wait to do it more now that the weather is getting nicer and we’re all waving our vaccine cards freely.

I hope you had a few belly laughs this weekend, even if it was just your cat or dog that was giving them to you.  We take what we can get, ya know?

Also, I watched Notting Hill Friday night for the first time in forever and you know I’m now the age of Hugh Grant in that movie? And also that’s weird because that movie came out my first year in college? Where does the time gooooooo?

Anyway, here we go with some readings for your Sunday. Enjoy!

This was…wow. Be a Lady, they said.

What happened to the “going out top”? As a girl of a certain age – I so feel this. An interesting look at my college-era fashion trend.

I feel so deeply for anyone that loses a pet. RIP, Bo.

Women who said no to motherhood– an interesting read.

I didn’t realize how much I needed a break until I took one. Why we all feel tired all the time.

I love taking cooking classes, but will they ever be the same again?

For those of you itching to goooo: Europe’s guide to reopening summer travel.

Not ready to travel yet? Adding some of these reads to my summer list to go without going.

And I leave you with the power of poo.

Have a good week!









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