Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Well, it’s not the official kick off to summer yet, but I feel like this weekend I got a good pre-summer vibe going. I went on my first hike, played my first tennis match and made my first batch of ice cream.  Here we goooooo, summer. Now I just need to be be warm enough to hit the lake.

The plethora of new activities that are your oyster when the weather starts to turn in the Midwest are seemingly endless and after a winter-plus-year in lockdown, I’m running outside like Kevin in Home Alone, with open arms and an awkward scream outta my mouth.

Thinking of the summer bucket list….are you working on yours?

Some news you can use. Or not, take it or leave it.

If you think your friends and family can suck sometimes. Check out these nightmares.

As we all start to toe our way back into the world of airline travel- the abomination that is the reclining airplane seat. Yay or nay? I do recline my seat but only if 1) there is no one behind me or 2) the person in front of me did and I feel too crammed. I won’t be the one to initiate it if someone is behind me.

Man, everyone’s just bored, aren’t they?

If you’re bored, rehearse your joy.

I made this grain-free, dairy-free chocolate cake and can I say that it might just be my no go-to? Run and make it NOW.

So many conversations at workplaces everywhere trying to decide return to work. Should we though? Was normal good enough?

Refreshing with hot soup. My mom eats soup almost every day of the year: rain, shine, hot and cold, while I keep it boxed up into the colder months. Maybe I should change my tune.

Controversial: the 11 best chocolate chip cookies ever. What? I stand by my go-to, but am now intrigued by these salted tahini ones.

How the US passport evolved into a status symbol. I mean, isn’t the New Zealand one the most valuable one? In any case, I can’t wait to use mine again.

Related: I am ready to live the digital nomad life.

That’s what I’ve got- have a great week!