Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Well, the weekend sure got away from me. I did as spring demands (well, summer-in-spirit, if you’re going by the 90+ degrees outside). Tennis, lake, barbecues, friends- it’s almost like, COVID what? Anyway, by the time I sat down to write this Saturday night I had already spent a good amount of time doodling, after a good amount of time napping and cooking and, well, I was done.

So here I sit in virtual conversation with you, watching the French Open men’s final after two weeks of truly spectacular tennis.  Ham and I were supposed to go last year, and hopefully next year our Roland Garros dreams will come true. 

But for now, we focus on the summer. My summer bucket list is ready to go and so am I!  I wouldn’t really go as far as calling it a hot girl summer, so we’re going with happy girl summer.

The week was a bit scattered since I got back from DC on Tuesday and the rest of the week left me sort of one step behind, but here’s what caught my eye nonetheless.

This is cute. Must love dogs.

Fifty short life rules to live by. Some of these are just solid good reminders.

An amusing reflection on how it’s impossible for our vaccines to be microchipped. From a guy who actually makes them. You know, in case you were wondering.

Are we in a housing bubble? The case for and against calling it one. Whatever it is, it just needs to hold on until mid-August (when I’m selling mine).

How to jump into the post-vaccination dating game

My jaw dropped at this appalling nursing textbook that was published in….wait for it….2017.  I mean, what even. And we wonder why we’re such a disaster.

How to make the creamiest scrambled eggs without adding a thing.  I admit to dry eggs even though I know how to actually make them properly, with cream. I can’t wait to try this trick!

The psychological benefits of commuting. I always hated my commute, but I had one colleague that didn’t mind the 1 hour commute he had every day. He and his wife drove together and it was the only time they had away from their three kids. How do you feel about it?

We ate at this amazing Laotian restaurant in DC last week and I can’t wait to throw a re-creation at you.  It’s a good one!

On the menu at home this week: tagine-inspired salad.

And an easy dessert and one of my faves. Basil no-churn ice cream with sugared strawberries.

Have a great week!










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