Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Whew. It’s been a very busy but fun week. Thanksgiving festivities bled into the week with a quick and unexpected trip to Chicago to drop off Tomato, visit with a few friends, eat a few favorites before dashing home again.  Mom and I kicked off our own holiday festivities yesterday with tea downtown before Hadestown. I’m looking forward to spending the rest of the month in what I hope will the calm after the crazy storm of November. What the hell was that month even about? I know you felt it, too. It was the planets.

Anyway, a few things to share today. Happy December!

Cue the cute Christmas ads!

And another one!

The Thanksgiving story we’ve loved for years is coming to Netflix!

The childless population is growing, and shows no signs of slowing down.  

As a lot of my friends and I know all too well, being single is expensive…#singlepersonlifetax.

Do you want to stay in the Home Alone house? You could!

The world’s ROUGH and anxiety often starts to sneak its way in. Here are some tips that can help change your outlook.

Maybe this will incite change when other attempts have failed?

How embarrassing was your Spotify wrapped? I confess I haven’t looked yet because no doubt mine will be humiliating.

These gingerbread cookies are the winners this year (pictured above).

Have a great week!







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