Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

I hope you all had a nice weekend. Despite seeming to do nothing much of substance, it sort of got away from me. I got some adult things in order (like transferring my prescriptions), worked out both days, went on a hike with my friends, fell asleep watching Harry Potter (Half-Blood Prince) but generally just sat around. These long winter days can just be so long.

How about you? How’s your new years?  I’m easing into mine with a moderate pace (see Gentle January).  I’ve got my eyes set on certain goals but realizing that it’s a marathon, not a sprint so we’re plodding along like the tortoise. A reminder to be gentle with yourself. We’re still in a pandemic, after all.

Blerg about that.

Anyway, here’s a few gems to get your Monday off on the right foot.

Ginger Ale, the unsung hero of the sky.  I almost never drink pop, let along full-sugar pop but somehow ginger ale always seems to break the rules when I’m in the air. Why is that? I think it’s because when we were kids and used to fly, it was what my mom always ordered for us. I don’t know. Nostalgia. Anyway, long live Canada Dry.

The impact of being seen.  My friend and I had a conversation about being the brown kid that always wanted to not be.  I’m happy that there is more diversity on screens these days, no matter how far we still have to go.

Yeah, still so far to go. #VeryAsian

The ridiculous expectations of women.

I like Pope Francis, but I’d argue that choosing pets over kids helps solve the global problem of overpopulation. Anyway, love live the crazy cat ladies.

Let’s to Iceland!

Or maybe the UAE? The seem to have their COVID s**t together.

Our Christmas cookies had brown butter in them and I am officially a convert. This is why it’s better.

How about a laugh?  Walking on ice is hard.

And finally, 2022 already taking more than its given. RIP, Mr. Poitier.

That’s it. Have a great week!

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