Hello, Sunday.
Hello from my new home! I’m finally moved in and living here full time with me and Crawley and our little fur friend Fig while Mom is on assignment out of town. It’s been a ROUGH first week, but after Thursday everything started looking up. We’re no longer living out of boxes and suitcases, all fur residents are eating again, and that is a very good thing!
I’ve been so distracted with LIFE as we know it the last month that I can’t even believe we’re all staring into April. But my taxes are done, a vacation is less than a month away and I’m ready for warmer weather. Let’s do it!
I admit to not noticing anything more than the boxes peppering my living space the past week but here’s what otherwise caught my eye:
Animals and war. My cats just found moving from one comfortable house to another traumatic. I can’t even imagine. Poor things.
I haven’t watched much of the Jackson confirmation hearings, but what I have read has been disheartening and unsurprising. And this sums up why.
Here’s a weird one. Coffee caramel eggplant upside down cake. You read that right. Who’s going to try it? I might just stick with peach.
The legacy of Madeline Albright.
Treat yo’ self. It’s helping your restaurant more than you think.
Redefining the job, and what it means.
That’s all I’ve got for today, but looking forwarding to some new recipes this week!