Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

How’s everyone this fine day? I’m staring down a pretty big to-do list today but excited to get after it. Yesterday was also quite productive, but my OG plans got derailed by an impromptu decision to paint my closet.  Weird to paint a closet? Maybe, but I love it.

When sitting down the write today’s post, I thought back to the news as I heard it and couldn’t of anything good that I’d heard. Granted, there’s always bad news, but even that, it seemed like terrible news stayed out of my awareness this week and that I suppose is a blessing.

Here are few snippets I did find, and I hope you’re reading them with a nice bevvy and feet up.

Parents sue their son for not giving them grandchildren. What the WHAT? I say that he should countersue if he HAS a kid for expenses. How ridiculous.

Liberty no more.  Scary.

Why do some things just taste better frozen? Science.

HBO is ruining all the Mr. Darcys. The title of that made me laugh, but then I started watching The Staircase and I couldn’t even find Colin Firth in there…

Very much looking forward to eating a chipper on the beach in Wales this summer. Simple pleasures indeed.

Are you prone to pull a Sally Albright when ordering? Here are some things to consider if you’re ordering off-menu.

I miss my iPod daily (I left it on an airplane in 2019 in a very uncharacteristic move). Should I buy one before it’s too late? 

It’s bathing suit seasons and this is my favorite brand – great for us sporty gals.

I’m trying to figure out what to eat and drink in the sweltering hot days again, and this weekend I whipped up some gingerade and mango chicken salad to get the season started.

That’s it. Have a great week!







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