Hello, Sunday.
Well, it’s been a bit of a week. I was close-quarters exposed to COVID on Tuesday so I held my breath all week waiting for symptoms. When they didn’t come by Friday, I took a test and because of user error (ie, not reading the instructions), I thought I had COVID until yesterday morning when I retook the test and it was negative. Another negative this morning provide that don’t have COVID, but that I am in fact, an idiot.
Though does a negative test really mean what we think it does?
It was a Lulubelle moment (ie my personalized version of a blonde moment).
Anyway, footloose and COVID-free, it was a good wake up call and reminder to be careful because in three weeks from today I’ll be in London and I’ll be damned if one stupid slip up is going to stop me.
Anyway, so how are you?
Here are other things that struck me this week. Read on, if you will.
When the supply chain problems really hit home.
If you want to view paradise…when movies happen IRL.
I don’t even have kids, but I appreciate these mom tweets to Kate about Prince Louis.
I’m watching this four-day workweek pilot…
Well, this was brave. Would you?
How about a feel-good story?
Could we really go without plastic? Even though I do my best to not in my own home, it’s hard to imagine in society as a whole.
Related- we have a byoc store here in town – do you?
Grandma cooking IS forever, and I’m very thankful to all my friends’ grandmas who have shared their recipes with me and you for the blog.
It’s summer, so break out the panzanella!
That’s all I’ve got. Let’s have a good week, eh?