Grown-Up Chocolate Malt

Grown-Up Chocolate Malt

We’re going old school with a twist today to celebrate the 4th of July with a grown-up chocolate malt. 

Every year I try to celebrate both my countries’ holidays by cooking up something to honor Canada and the U.S. the first week of July. While I’m going a little out of order (Canada’s up next!), and the U.S. is leaving us little to be proud of these days, I’m still taking the occasion of summer and holiday and long weekends and hot weather to whip up some nostalgia with one of my favorite after school treat bevvies, but with a few decidedly adult twists.

My house was big on ice cream. Ice cream cakes for all four of our birthdays (even my parents’ January/February celebrations).  Ice cream after dinner almost every night (my dad used to love his with Cinnamon Toast Crunch…the inspiration for this cake). McDonald’s hot fudge sundaes on Fridays on the way home from school in elementary school and stops at Diary Queen for whatever we wanted on Friday in middle school.

It was around that time that I was heavily into my Saved by the Bell phase. If you were an 80s kid, YOU KNOW that you just wanted to be hanging at The Maxx with Zack and Kelly and all the gang and just be as cool as them. I was very much never as cool as they were, even by the time I got to high school, but I liked to think I was one of them every week when I ordered myself a chocolate malt to end the week.

grown-up chocolate malt


As someone who at 40 has a little more cool factor that I did at 12, I rarely treat myself to a malt, often opting for a simple chocolate dip or HF sundae (one of my OG true loves) but every now and then, it’s not a bad thing to shake it up.

So, what makes this an adult malt? Alcohol, duh. And coffee. And upper and a downer all in one.

I used Kahlua to augment the instant coffee and you know, this just really is the maxx.


chocolate malt

Grown-Up Chocolate Malt

June 28, 2022
: 2
: 5 min
: 5 min
: Easy

This grown-up chocolate malt is an adult twist on an old-fashioned soda shop favorite with coffee and Kahlua for a cool treat.


  • 1/2 cup 2% or whole milk
  • 1/4 cup (2 ounces) Kahlua
  • 1 TB instant coffee
  • 4 1/2 TB chocolate malt powder
  • 1 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
  • Step 1 Place the milk, Kahlua, coffee and malt powder in a blender. Add the ice cream and blend until smooth and combined. Divide into two glasses. Serve with whipped cream if desired.


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