Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Gosh, these summer months just fly by, don’t they? My friends and I are trying to cram everything that we want to do still this summer into the next few weekends. After that, fall is here: kids are back to school, football takes up a good chunk of many people’s weekends and a few of us, myself included, are off on vacations to ring in the new season.

Yesterday was one of those jam-packed day: early morning tennis, a trip to the theatre, catching up with old and new friends. One more weekend to go.

What are you up to in these last golden days of summer?

I’ve been diligently avoiding the news these days because…because.  Embracing good vibes only right now. Still, here’s what we’ve got that made me go hmmm:

Ever hear of the Mandela effect? Well, it taking our childhood. Yikes.

Any other first born daughters out there? Well, here’s to US!

Science running amok again? I wonder…

I’m such a creature of habit- this spoke to me deeply.

I’ve had and heard of some rough travel tales lately…are they about to get worse?

How a crazy idea saved a small town. Gotta love the ingenuity!

Apparently there is a $17 smoothie out there inspired by a Bieber.  What? Anyway, if you’re so inclined to repeat it at home on the cheap, here’s the recipe. I’ll stick to my Orgain, kefir and hemp seeds, thanks.

Adult talk: a handful of my friends and I are on the retire early train and I’m genuinely excited at the prospect! Want to join us? This is one of the best resources out there!

I saw this on a few feeds this week: the rise of the lonely single man. I believe it (as a single woman of a certain age). My standards are high for myself, so why should I lower them for a partner? This response article hit the nail on the head. ThankYouByeNext.

We’re in the last few weeks (maybe week!) of peach season, so it’s your last chance to make peach upside down cake for the year!

Have a great week!




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