Sunday Somethings- August, 2024

Sunday Somethings- August, 2024

Hello, Sunday.

Hello, August!

Whoa, how did we even get here? It’s birthday month (yay!) and also the penultimate month of summer. I’ll be sure to take advantage, with as many more trips to the lake and pool as I can squeeze in since I feel like I’ve been gone for such a huge chunk of it. But August is my month, and I’m excited for all that it will bring, even if it’s just more of those easy, breezy summer days.

What about you? I hope you’ve got some plans yourself to bring summer home with a bang.

As for the month, here’s what’s going on:

wishing: time would slow the heck down.

hoping: the positive momentum we’re feeling keeps on going.

thinking: of heading on a weekend tennis jaunt…but I’m supposed to be on a travel moratorium! 

praying: everyone i know remains in good health as we head into the fall and winter.

planning: a little jaunt to the southwest for september.

dreaming: of all the places I’ll go.

wearing: been living in these basics and they’re a huge upgrade to my ratty ts.

reading: about to start the Thursday murder club series

watching: the olympics!

spending; lots of time at the pool

eating: birthday cake and ice cream, obv.

loving: couch time with Crawley