Searching for Happiness, Denmark

Searching for Happiness, Denmark

Happiness is a vibe. It’s no secret that the countries of Northern Europe consistently rank in the top ten of happiest countries in the world. According to the World Happiness Report, Denmark is #2 on that list for this year. In my thorough research a few weeks ago, there was certainly something in the air that was just…happier!

What is it, you may ask? After spending a week biking throughout the southern isles, I have some theories.

Could it be the absolutely charming exteriors that dot the landscapes as far as the eye can see?

And the little details everywhere?

Or perhaps that Denmark is literally the land of fairy tales?

The Little Mermaid

Maybe it’s the proximity to water?

Or sunshine, and wide open spaces.

Or maybe it’s the fact that everyone, at any time, will eat ice cream.

For me, it’s definitely the fact that temperatures, even in mid-summer, float around the low to mid 70s.  My kind of climate!

Whatever it is that makes Denmark so happy, we were all into it.

No fake smiles here!

Denmark, you’re a gem. I can’t wait to see you again soon.



2 thoughts on “Searching for Happiness, Denmark”

  • My friend was just in Copenhagen and I loved the colorful city faces he showed in his photos! He said it was a very walkable city with lots of interesting places to explore. But I have to say, your bike riding looked like a great way to see the landscape and explore! And those ice cream cones! I’d be there in a heartbeat!

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