The Green Fairy, Tromsø

The Green Fairy, Tromsø

These Norway posts are turning out to be a series of photo dumps. 

But can you blame me?

We headed to Norway specifically to see the Northern Lights. After all, it’s predicted to be a spectacular year, with the Aurora peaking in a solar maximum.

After doing some research, we settled on booking a chase, meaning that our little minibus would drive far and wide to try and “chase” the lights to get us the best view.

And chase we did.

Since the weather turned out to be so terrible at the start of the week and was barely starting to look up by the time we left, we left nothing to chance and booked two tours, back to back (which many people do). I mean, THIS was why we were here, and we know how fickle those weather gods can be.

Night one we drove almost 3 hours from Tromsø to the tip top of Finland, and the destination did not disappoint.

What started out each night as a few ribbons here and there turned into quite a spectacular show.

We huddled around the campfire waiting for Mother Nature to do our thing, swapping stores and sipping hot chocolate with our friends for the night that hailed from all corners of the globe.

And trying our best to stay warm in below freezing temperatures.

All of it, I’d say, was 100% worth it.

Leaving us with two amazing nights to remember.

A few practical tips for chasing northern lights in Norway:

  • I highly recommend booking a tour. With winter weather being what it is, these guys are well trained to drive in winter conditions on these roads. Plus, all the local guides talk to each other, so you have multiple eyes on the skies to ensure that you’re in the best spot to get the best views.
  • We were so glad we booked two nights. Because we had such a good night #1, we were able to really relax and enjoy the show on night #2.
  • Also, these tours provide warm weather gear – so necessary.  We had ski stuff on UNDER our suits and were still cold! Also, hand warmers are a must.
  • The tour leaders for our company also served as photographers, meaning that you need not worry that your camera wasn’t up to snuff.  
  • That being said, all but three of these pictures I took with my iPhone 16.  They were better than V’s iPhone 15.  The upgrade does matter (which is also what I learned when I was the one with the older camera when I went to Jordan and tried to take nighttime pics).  My advice is to change your phone to night mode and have it on a 10 second exposure.  Keep your hands still and try not to breathe to get the best shots.
  • Depending on how far you drive, there may not be many bathroom stops and no one wants to be squatting amongst layers of clothes, in the dark, in freezing temperatures. Plan accordingly.
  • Dinner and hot chocolate were provided on our trip, but you don’t know how long you may be gone, so if you’re a snacker, pack snacks.  We got home at 3 AM the first evening, and 1 AM the second (leaving at 6 pm both nights).



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