Monday Musings: Joy in the Time of Fascism

Monday Musings: Joy in the Time of Fascism

Hello, Monday.

Are we okay?  

I’m feeling a little more grounded than I was last weekend.  I decided that in order to counteract the negativity and overwhelm and horribleness going on around us, that I would see to find joy in the everyday, my #JoyintheTimeofFascism, if you will.  Some days it’s been hard, but overall I get by with a little help from my friends (and delicious food, pictured here). And a little bit of Bridget.

Also, some sunshine. My fam and I are heading down to Disney for our February warm weather getaway, and I’m looking forward to a little bit of magic. And a hot tub.

Until then, here’s what I’m reading:

Wow, can we say dream job?

Mother knows best.  I find this to be true 90% of the time, so why fight it?

I rewatched this gem this weekend and forgot how good it is! It’s sitting on Prime, if you’re looking for a cheeky good time.

I’m hopeful that things will right itself soon enough, but until they do- what to expect if you’re planning on visiting our National Parks in the near future.

I’ll never get over the fact that Quidditch became a real thing.

If anyone’s been a little nervous about flying these days (raises hand), here are some tricks to help you feel better about it.

No eggs? There’s still a way to dessert!

Mardi Gras is coming up, this week, and can I recommend some of these gems to celebrate? Better yet, have a potluck!

Related: I remember moving to New Orleans and was like WHOA about the drive-thru daiquiri stand. As we inch closer to Fat Tuesday, here’s a look at that very NOLA novelty.

I love this small space makeover!

That’s it! Let’s all find some joy in the everyday, k?