Gingerbread Hot Chocolate
This gingerbread hot chocolate has all the warming winter spices to complement dark chocolate- and is guaranteed to warm you up from the inside out!
This gingerbread hot chocolate has all the warming winter spices to complement dark chocolate- and is guaranteed to warm you up from the inside out!
Hello, Sunday.
Hello, December!
Well, we made it through 2024 didn’t we? Just barely it seems though, doesn’t it. Anyway, let’s close out the year the best we can, taking joy in the little things, cozy blankets, flickering candles and togetherness with those whom we deem worthy.
Because life is too hard for anything less.
I’m in Florida for my annual Disney pilgrimage, shockingly trying to stay warm. Still, I’ll take this over a Florida December heat wave any day.
Here’s what I’ve been up to lately, and to what I look forward this month:
wishing: our country wasn’t so divided.
hoping: we can figure it out.
thinking: of christmas lists
praying: for safe travels for all this season.
planning: goals for 2025.
dreaming: of a better world. season of hope, right?
traveling: to san francisco, for a hot second, in a few weeks.
wearing: these, all day, every day.
buying: a new car. boo.
reading: thursday murder club, book 2.
watching: brooklyn 99; will & harper; nobody wants this. and obviously the christmas movies.
eating: at disney- so all the things. when i get home, all the cookies.
drinking: hot chocolate, duh. but make it gingerbread.
cuddling: with my Crawley, always.
Let’s finish 2024 out with a bang, shall we?
White chocolate pistachio cardamom shortbread is a magical and wintry twist on the classic easy bake- done in no time and for sure, a new fan favourite.
Hello, Sunday.
Well, this week was better than last, and I have worked to ensure that I have future joy in my life by putting up my Christmas decorations this week. Yes, it’s early but with Thanksgiving being so late this year and me being out of town for it, I wanted to ensure that I had more than a few weeks to enjoy the holiday merriment.
And let me tell you…oh, the joy the season brings.
I have no regrets. Maybe one- it’ll be even harder to drag me from the confines of my cozy abode.
I hope you are finding little ways to bring you joy. With the whole world being so large and messy, it has to start at home.
Let’s get to it. This week got me like…
Related: the perfect Christmas getaway does exist.
Giant rats wearing mini vests? It’s not just for the sci-fi lovers.
Have you joined Bluesky yet? I mean, sigh, another one? I haven’t been on Twitter for years, so I don’t feel compelled to jump on the latest social. However, if you’re thinking about it- here’s what you need to know.
ICYMI, there’s a new season of GBBO on and while I’m an avid watcher, I can’t say I know much about Prue. She’s winning in my book when she gives us the green light to take some shortcuts when creating our own showstoppers.
Exercise really does a body good. Let’s recommit to fitness!
Um, what? The human body is a weird and wonderful thing.
ICYMI, this gingerbread bostock will get you in the season. Pro tip? Use leftover frangipane to fill crepes– like I did this morning.
Let’s have a good week, eh?
Gingerbread bostock gives stale bread new life with almond frangipane spiced with cloves, ginger, pepper, orange and vanilla.
The magic of fall has spread to all corners of my house, and that finally extended to the kitchen, as evidenced by this delicious roasted stuffed acorn squash.