Tag: dessert

Irish Apple Tart

Irish Apple Tart

Authentic Irish apple tart with homemade flaky pastry and baked on a plate rather than a traditional pastry shell.

Drive-in Movie Popcorn

Drive-in Movie Popcorn

This drive-in movie popcorn is a sweet popcorn snack with Oreos, M&Ms and a sweet popping surprise to finish.

Maple Crème Brûlée

Maple Crème Brûlée

I’m super excited about this Maple Crème Brûlée but I’m equally excited about the fact that I recently discovered Bridget Jones’ Diary on Netflix and I immediately felt compelled to watch it despite the fact that I own it, and it has been sitting idly in my drawer for probably years. It was a fan favorite back in my college days, and my friend and I watched it to the point that it became that movie- the one we recited word for word, quoting it in normal-speak, and we often sent each other BJD related trinkets. In fact, I still have a card on my refrigerator emblazoned with a man in a reindeer jumper that Treacle sent me so long ago. Be still my heart. In any case, I found that all these years later, I can still quote the movie word for word and the same parts make me laugh, cry, cringe and sympathize with the unlikely hero. We share a few unfortunate traits- verbal diarrhea being one-and let’s just say I’m really glad there was no fireman’s pole on the Today Show. Anyway, it gives me good thoughts of my Mr. Darcy, still out there waiting for me.

That was random (#deepthoughts) and not really related to food (don’t worry, no plans to make blue string soup anytime soon), but do you know what else gives me good thoughts? This.


Polish Paczki

Polish Paczki

Traditional Polish Paczki are a Fat Tuesday favorite, filled with apricot or rosehip ham and dusted generously with powdered sugar.

Chocolate Cheesecake Cups

Chocolate Cheesecake Cups

This one’s for the lovers on Valentine’s Day – these chocolate cheesecake cups come at you pudding style and are definitely sticky, messy, and all sorts of chocolate.

Cinnamon Poached Pears

Cinnamon Poached Pears

Alas, ‘tis Wednesday.

Cheer up! You know why?

Pears and sugar and cheese. That’s why.

Cinnamon Poached Pears with Dulce de Leche and Queso Fresco, to be wordy about it.


Gluten-Free Ricotta Crepes

Gluten-Free Ricotta Crepes

Gluten-free ricotta crepes are both made with and filled with ricotta, along with some homemade orange curd and fresh blueberries.

Cinnamon Baked Plantains

Cinnamon Baked Plantains

Cinnamon baked plantains give this often forgotten fruit a sweet finish, baked rather than fried to perfection for a tasty treat.

Quesadilla Salvadoreña

Quesadilla Salvadoreña

I pride myself on being pretty multi-faceted. I can be a badass. I can be a jock. I can be a girly-girl. I can be a nerd. Today, let’s be nerds. I’m going to talk a bit about Harry Potter because I’m in that kind of mood, but because I want you to stick around, I’m also going to talk about cheesecake. Specifically, Quesadilla Salvadoreña. (more…)

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes take my favorite vanilla cupcake with regular chocolate frosting and spices it up with chilies for a spicy twist.