Tag: dessert

Caramel Nut Crunch

Caramel Nut Crunch

Cheerios, almonds and pecans are coated in a homemade caramel and baked until golden and crunch in this tasty caramel nut crunch.

Mexican Wedding Cookies

Mexican Wedding Cookies

Mexican Wedding Cookies are commonly served at Christmas time and consist of only a handful of ingredients – and take no time to make.

Cajeta Shortbread Cookies

Cajeta Shortbread Cookies

It seems like not much and so much has happened this week and it’s only Wednesday. Not much meaning no earth-shattering developments, but so much meaning cookies. Lots of cookies. Including these cajeta shortbread cookies.


Mostachones, Mexican Milk Candy

Mostachones, Mexican Milk Candy

Mostachones, Mexican milk candy- are an easy and delicious sweet made with cream, sugar, butter and spices.

Coffee Walnut Torte

Coffee Walnut Torte

Beautiful coffee walnut torte is a traditional egg-based Hungarian torte with a coffee walnut frosting.

Orchard Crumble

Orchard Crumble

I commented to my friends the other day that I’ve really been enjoying the food of the last month or so. I laughed and shook my head when they both responded with, “you mean, U.S. food?” because yes, they’re correct, including this orchard crumble. As much as I love eating anything and everything different, when it comes to what I really crave, especially when the weather cools around this time of the year, I usually veer towards the comforting and familiar tastes of the good old U.S. of A (mom food excepted…paprikash!).


Chocolate Hazelnut Belgian Waffles

Chocolate Hazelnut Belgian Waffles

Chocolate Hazelnut Belgian Waffles are yeast based in the style of Leige Waffles but have rich Nutella mixed in the batter for a gluten-free delight.

Red Wine Chocolate Cake

Red Wine Chocolate Cake

Red Wine Chocolate Cake is a decadent cake with a dark chocolate based, raspberry infusion and a chocolate whipped cream.

Orange Date Smoothie

Orange Date Smoothie

So I wrote this post yesterday but somehow lost it. It was funny, informative and the words flowed naturally from my brain to my fingertips. Today when I went to retrieve it, it was gone. #BloggerProblems. So, a rewrite. Enough about that though. Let’s talk about smoothies and shakes. While I love something tall and dreamy on a summer’s day, I’m not one to drink my meals. I’d rather eat them, but it seemed wrong to leave the American West without paying homage to California, the original smoothie king. And so I do with my Orange Date Smoothie.


Hawaiian Coconut Candy

Hawaiian Coconut Candy

Traditional Hawaiian coconut candy flavored with the favorite flavors of fall- pumpkin spice!