Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Taking it back to Oktoberfest 2010.  Germany, we wish we were there.

Hello, Sunday.

Why is it so hot??  I can’t think about anything else.  I’m sweating in all the places.

I’m in Chicago this weekend for a hot second, where I’m meeting up with friends, eating, hanging with Little Buddha, eating, seeing Apple Crisp, eating and doing my Chicagogrammers thing with Kettle Corn and of course, eating some more. It’s the way I do Chicago nowadays that I don’t live there anymore. It’s cramming in meals and laughs with friends, while leaving some time to take care of business.

This weekend’s business is Chicago Gourmet. It’s hard being a boss lady.

So, a little rushed today, and only a few internet things that I read, but some other general internet things that I’m digging right now.

Coolest high school ever? Probably.  

The man behind the Ballers. An interesting read on turning your back on what seems easy to do what you really want to do.

As a devoted Bonehead of the late show Bones, here’s a fun read on forensic dentistry (yes, FUN).

Thanks, nurses! 8 inventions created by the medical profession’s unsung heroes.  

What’s in a name? Sometimes, it turns out not much.  Here’s what some popular brand names really mean.

To be a cabbie. Turns out, in London, it’s much, much harder than you’d ever think.

Is anyone else hating everything in their closet now? I want a refresh, in the name of everything from Boden.  Like, everything.  Top of my wish list are: this sweater; these shoes; this dress; this coat; because fall at least, better be around the damn corner.

That’s all I’ve got. Stay cool, both literally and figuratively, people.

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