Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Fall has made itself known, at least for the last two days, and I’ve been taking advantage before it jumps back up to summer later this week.  Mom and I checked out one of the local hiking areas and it’s so close and so easy and so pretty that I know I’ll be heading back more than once before it’s covered with snow.

Last week’s lack of recipes resulted from a complete lack of cooking. It was hella hot, I was hella lazy and I lived off toast, cereal, eggs and ice cream.  I’m not proud of it, but there it is. I know we can do better, so real food comes back with a bang this week and rest assured you’ll be in on that secrets.

The internet?  So bad.  I did manage to find a few things to make it all not so bad.

FIRST.  My friend Ham wrote a book! Like a real book! It’s a fictional story about the woes of online dating in your 30s…so, relatable. I spent last night reading it and I was into it from beginning to end. I know it’s not beach season any more, but if you live by the beach, it’s the best kind of read!  You can buy it on the Amazon, Logging Back into Life by RJ Hutchins.

Looking for a job?  Officials are looking for a couple to run this deserted French island. Yup, really.  

Can’t get rid of internet trolls? Get rid of their forums.  Reddit’s done it, and it’s working.

Mom loves the movie Mona Lisa Smile because she says it accurately portrays what college meant for women of that generation.  It’s so weird to think that was less than a generation ago, and here’s another take on the way we were.

Lisa Kudrow, wise words.

Music tastes as a window to your soul?  More accurate than you think.

Treat others with dignity and respect? Seems like a no-brainer, a reminder.

Keeper of the books.  How one man saved 377,000 manuscripts in the midst of a war.

This cracked me up, and supports what I’ve always said: Why would you wear a romper to any sort of festival where you’d have to be naked in a port-a-potty??

I’ve had the unmistakable urge to make cinnamon rolls.  I’m still working out whether I really I need to make them for my party of 1, but if I cave, these likely will happen.  Cinnamon Swirl Buns ala Smitten Kitchen.

That’s what happening here.  Have a great week!

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