Sunday Somethings

I’m still hopping southward in Vietnam with my girls, but I realized that while I scheduled some recipes to share, I neglected my usual Sunday one-way banter. Lounging around our hotel with some free time, I thought I’d get you up to speed on what’s going on in my world, presently. We’ve got a few more days before dreadfully long flights home, and we’re making the most of it by trying to cram in one more massage, a few more spring rolls and a whole lots belly laughs.

seeing: saigon

wearing: my new tailor-made dress!

feeling: hot, after a vacation spent mostly in the cold

eating: everything? Right now, fresh prawn spring rolls

drinking: coffee with sweetened condensed milk, because when in Rome…

doing: the last bit of nothing before reality commences

wishing: vacation lasted just a bit longer

hoping: I can fit everything into my bags…

thinking: of my Crawley! I can’t wait to see him

praying: I make it home safely, and that the snow stops before I get there

planning: my next vacation

dreaming: always