Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I hope you are weekending well. The suffocating heat in these parts has dispelled a little leaving cloudy skies which, honestly, has been sweet relief. You know how I hate the heat; it kills my soul.

Yesterday I made the decision to sign myself up for a solid four hours of tennis, which in retrospect, was foolish. The last time I had reason to play four hours of tennis, with only an hour of rest in between, I was eighteen. My almost-37-year-old bones did not thank me, and I spent the remainder of the day completely useless. In truth, it was great: I napped, I read, I ate ice cream without a shred of guilt; in essence, living my best Crawley life. He was a willing companion throughout it all, as you’d imagine.  However, feeling it this morning in the worst way.

The short work week felt like a long one and such is life, we’re back to the five-day grind tomorrow.  So put your feet up and let some easy reading in to enjoy a lazy Sunday.

Should I move to Vermont? I mean, I’m loving the A2 life, but the thought of living every fall amongst golden leaves is quite appealing!

Another ice bucket challenge?  Let’s do it! #BeatPlasticPollution.

The US birthrate is declining, and here’s the interesting reason why.

It’s more than okay to be scruffy. Bringing back scruffy hospitality, and hopefully, some friendships! 

Do you eat lunch at 11am?  Or want to eat that early, but try not to? Embrace it, it’s normal.

Sanofi’s reaction to Roseanne’s claim that “Ambien made her do it” was the best, and how it passed muster from the company’s legal eagles.  

It’s a Food Truck life.  What’s exactly IN a food truck? A closer look. Now, get me some custard.

Skinny privilege and who deserves fashion.  This is interesting, and while  look at “what to wear” lists sometimes and lament the fact that my XL-chest and broad shoulders don’t accommodate so many looks that are ‘in,’ at any given moment, I shrug those same shoulders and go buy something that I feel fabulous in.  As should we all.

I just signed up for Hungry Harvest and I love it! Help cut back on food waste by getting your own batch of fruits and veggies each week. For a discount, here’s my sign up link (disclosure: I will also get a discount).

I’m really loving the summer vibes, and I think this black bean pineapple guac is the way to embrace it.

Related: how cute is this suit (it’ll go on sale, so wait it out)?

That’s all folks. Have a great week!









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