Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

It’s been a mixed bag weekend- I spent much of yesterday in the house, cooking, doing my thing, reading, chilling, being the introvert that I truly am deep down, and am spending much of today surrounded by friends and delicious food and good conversation. A weekend on both end of the spectrum to balance itself out, and those are often my favorite kinds of weekends.

The winter storm that we were supposed to get hasn’t been all that bad and thank goodness for that. Still, I’m counting down the days until I head to Florida for some sun and relaxation and going out for a walk where I don’t have to wear 1000 layers. It does get old.

Here’s what caught my eye this week. Not much, as you can see!  Enjoy, and go ahead and have that extra pancake this morning. 

We’re so concerned with stuff on TV and the internet and everywhere being fake, and then something so real and raw gets shut down.  Watch this ad– even if you aren’t or have never been a new mom.

All that we share.  We’re not all that different, are we?

Helpful tip:  Create a ‘stop-doing’ list. We all have things we can take off our plates, if we really think about it.

Need a breakfast idea? I didn’t think i did until I saw this recipe.

A reminder that we really need to be worried about this.

Buyer beware of commercial genetic testing…

Remember these are the best eggs of your life and you should make them for Valentine’s Day…for yourself.






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