Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Sawnday, Mawnday, Tuesday, Wednesday. What day is it?  Gosh, the world is both falling apart and blurring together, yah?

In Michigan, we’ve had 15 business days at shelter-in-place, and I can’t do the math to figure out how many actual days it’s been. It doesn’t matter, the routine stays mostly the same. The only difference is which exercise class I’m going to do, and if it will actually rain and screw up my outside time for the day.

But otherwise, I”m fine. I’m safe, I’m healthy, I have a job and a roof over head. So really I’m doing pretty okay.

How are you, though?

I hope that you are well and I hope that these readings help bring a little levity to your life.  Levity is something we all need when we can get it, yah?

Levity? How about leviosa?  The British Library is making this Harry Potter exhibit available to us all online, and I’m going to just apparate right over.

People are just the best right now.

Exhibit B

John Krasinski has some good news, and you should definitely watch this because he talks about how he’s wearing jams, and my 80s kid heart smiled so big at that.

Some places are apparently hoarding yeast. Never fear, make (or grow?) some at home!

An oldie, but in these times of loneliness: Those who are lucky in love have this in common.

Need some dinner ideas? Here’s a solid, pantry staple list.

Another excellent list of our favorite food blogger’s bests.

Do you struggle with this? How to scale a recipe into small batch

Someday, we’ll #betogether.

That’s it. Be safe!







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