Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Happy Easter, if that’s your thing!

I wish I had more interesting things to say here, but I’m in the same boat that you are. I’m getting outside as much as weather allows (at a safe distance, of course).  I’m trying to figure out interesting things to cook (see here), interesting things to watch (Lucifer binge), friends to catch up with in the newfangled video mediums (what’s your Zoom background?).  These tasks seem to get harder each day, don’t you think?

Sigh. Anyway, here’s what caught my eye this week. I hope it provides some distraction for when you’re tired of the TV, bored of your books, and have eaten everything in plain sight.

Science will save us.  

You know how history repeats itself? God help us all.

The reason that we’re all baking bread these days, in science terms.

For my Chicago friends: how neighborhoods are coming together to save The Tamale Guy.

How to make a no-sew mask from an old shirt. I need this, so thought you might, too.

SUCH a good read. What can we do, even on a micro level, to not forget?

Have you seen the best sportcaster’s play by plays yet?

Things we need to know: how to pour the perfect Guinness.

My dear friend loves Doubletree Cookies and now the recipe’s out and I might just have to try them.

Also, bringing on the Dole Whip.

That’s all I’ve got. Let’s all have a good week, shall we?  Mind over matter?











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