Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

That’s the day, right?

It’s a bit weird being home all the time, because instead of waiting to cram all my chores and errands into the two weekend days, I manage to do a little at a time every day of the week. It means that by the time Saturday rolls around, a little sweeping and vacuuming only takes a few hours and with no errands to run EVER, it seems like the lazy weekend days are even lazier.

Anyone else feel this way?

Anyway, that was what I was thinking yesterday when i was done with 80% of my chores by 11:30 am after sleeping in and a lazy breakfast of cinnamon rolls from a tube. Yes, I do sometimes buy cinnamon rolls from a tube.

Here’s a bit of what the internet told me this week. Luckily I’m sane enough to know not to drink bleach without being told so.

How would you silly walk?

My restaurant was my life for 20 years. Does the world need it anymore? A heartbreaking read from a New York restauranteur.

If your kids are having issues about all of what’s going on, The Cookie Monster can help. Hmm. Maybe he can help all of us?

Sigh. Do we need more feel-good examples that Tom Hanks is just the best?

Fifteen pantry recipes to make when there’s nothing in the fridge.  

Free recycling programs! Leaving this here.

Do you read cookbooks like novels? I sure do!

If you’re an Anglophile suffering from extreme wanderlust like I am…best movies about London to stream right now.

Reminder, I made brownies!

That’s all I’ve got. Have a great week! Bake some things!








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