Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Last week was a week. Did we all feel it?  I hope so because for so long, too long, our black brothers and sisters have been feeling it alone.  

It was a week for me in other respects since I started a new job! A new job that I like very much, and the work itself is taking me back to the mental and lingual gymnastics that became so routine 4 years ago and that now for me feel exciting once again. However, I’m working Pacific Standard Time hours and while my day starts rather than ends up with the gym, it still feels strange to be working until 7 pm. I’ll get used to it, but this past week left me a little more drained each day than I thought.  Turn on the news and I went to bed physically, mentally and emotionally spent.

This weekend was a good chance to recharge. I got outside with friends for some nature and nurture. I cleaned my house from top to bottom, clean sheets and all. I played some tennis and took a solid nap.  I finally got back in the kitchen and felt calmed by the methodical chop/grate/saute of this week’s meal prep.  And I’ve made food that I finally feel like sharing again. Spicy and sweet stuff, coming at you in the times to come.

There is so much everything out there that I’ve saved just a bit to share. Some heavy, some light (though that was hard to find this week). Read as you will.

Ben & Jerry’s is certainly setting an example. Eat more ice cream!

Related: They’ve confirmed that I’ve been saying “pea-can” correctly all this time. Take that, friends!

Take a moment to watch some elephant hugs.

I’ll be starting this book this week.

Food as a form of protest.

Race inequality, from the perspective of a gay man living in the South.  Bravo to my dear friend John for penning this thoughtful piece.

How to show your support beyond the streets.

The art of saying NO.

I love street art.

My favorite summer salad is coming back into my kitchen this week.

Also, tip. If you have the Chase Sapphire Reserve card, for a limited time you can get that 1.5x redemption bonus on groceries, restaurants and home improvement since none of us are traveling these days. I just got a $500 statement credit doing so!

Have a good week. Remember to be kind.






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