Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Up here in the Mitten, it was sort of the perfect kind of weekend. High 60s, low 70s, sun for day and I made the most of every second by being outside. Tennis all day yesterday, walks and picnics today mean that I got my dose of Vit D and good vibes to set me up for the next week.  

In these days when it’s so hard to find any silver linings, I’m taking mine and grabbing them.

The new job is going well and that is indeed a silver lining, too.  

Speaking of, the news this week? What did I find…

Remember COVID? Yeah, we’re still in it. Here are some good FYIs from a bi-partisan expert.

Related: Corona is changing us, and it’s not all bad.

Why are neighborhoods still so segregated?

COVID creativity continues! These photos are really cool.

I’m woefully behind on any summer reading I might have wanted to do but if you’re more on top of it than I am, here is a list for ya.

Confessions of a former bastard cop.

Loving Day was Friday – a day certainly worth celebrating!

A good question without an easy answer- should you buy airline miles?

The power of cookbooks.

That’s all I’ve got for you. Have a good week!








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