Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Its’s a long weekend here and didn’t we all just NEED it?  I know it’s not as exciting when, depending where you are, it means that your bbqs/pool parties/family vacations/traditions held long and dear are cancelled, but there’s just something nice about having a day off, or at least a day where everything is running a bit slower than it normally would.

I’m taking the weekend to do just that- slow down. Lie-ins, lazy coffees and chat with friends is how I spent mine and it was lovely. I hope yours was, too.

More pandemic internet nonsense? As you wish.

So many good words from Deb. In the Pandemic, you either parent or work. 

God, aren’t we just the #AmericanIdiot(s)?

Taking back Indian food. 

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s back to work they go.

Muppets + Beatles = yes please.

Will we be a permanent work from home workforce? Hmm. Maybe?

My body is a Confederate monument.’ Wow, a must read.

A reminder that this ice cream is awesome.

Enjoy your day!








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