Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Another week has flown by. How? Why? The days are already starting to get shorter whether we notice it or not, and it’s already July 4th this week and what does that even do to the monotony of every day?  Not a whole lot, I gather, save for another day to sit around.

I talked to my friend yesterday who has been holed up in her Brooklyn apartment for somewhere around 98 days.  I mean, at least I have the luxury of taking long walks where I see nary a soul, but that’s harsh. Still, I admire her gusto in activity planning that she has for her and her boyfriend, from themed dinner nights, movie nights, puzzles, games, fancy cocktails, etc. If anything, she’s really doing quarantine the best she can.  In that vein, I strive to do a little better!

Let’s reflect on the past week, shall we?

This is my house.  For those of us that need a good story and who doesn’t?

The toll COVID has had on freelance journalism.  So many stories to tell, no one to listen.

How the virus won. Chilling.

Hmm. K. Not flying anytime soon.

Truth behind the funny. I am Leisel von Trapp and I owe the resistance an apology.

Best friends, a love story.

God, some first year law students are really just what you see in Legally Blonde.  But these ones get theirs.

People are good if they want to be.

If you don’t follow Abigail Disney on Twitter, you should.

Canada day is coming up and how about this Nanaimo bars to mark it?

Also, a lovely little porch sipping cocktail for ya.

Have a great week!












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