Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

This weekend was a busy one and Saturday had me picking berries, lake swimming, grilling with the fam and too many things more important IMO than sitting in front of a computer, so you are getting these weekend reads a day late. Thanks for understanding that your girl is trying to do summer right and sometimes that means Sunday’s reads become Mondays.

I’m heading out on a road trip tomorrow and it’s been a while since I’ve been so excited to go anywhere.  Not that I don’t get excited about other trips but this four month stretch, as we can all attest, has been a doozy and I need more lakes, some waterfalls, lighthouses and a solid week of eating ice cream for lunch. That’s what we’ve got planned and let it be.

Oh, Corona, you sure are keeping us on our toes. A big Eff to you.

My brother and I have a very annoying, very intentional roller coaster scream that is actually meant to make everyone around us laugh.  It always works. But otherwise, isn’t screaming sort of reactionary? I’m not sure screaming with my heart would cut it on some of those coasters at Cedar Point.

Picking apart ALL THE NEWS. Who can we trust? Here’s a good, objective way we can make that determination.

We returned to normal, but what if we hadn’t?

A very worthy read. Reparations, yes we can.

I didn’t know this- the black roots of Sesame Street.

The Articles of Unity. Could we actually do it though?

Why you should surround yourself with more books than you’ll ever read. Glad I’m doing something right.

What happens when you just throw stuff together.

It’s blueberry season so here’s a reminder that these Earl Grey muffins exist.











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